Happy (Chinese) New Year

Greetings, friends!

I don’t know about you, but I’m pretty stoked to kick 2019 to the curb. While there were some great things that happened, there were certainly challenges that I’d be quite happy to not repeat again. I usually become quite reflective of where I have been and where I want to go, but I find myself just staying in the present right now. It’s like a deep breath, an exhale. Or maybe – a pause. I’m grateful for so many things. I’m grateful that the worrisome things of 2019 are behind us, and I’m grateful for the opportunities that lay ahead in 2020.

As I’ve thought about 2020, my mind kept going to the Chinese New Year. I’ve spent a bit of time reading about the celebrations, the traditions and the superstitions of this annual event and I thought it would be fun to celebrate the new year with a new card.

Year of the Rat, Wishing You New Year Happiness. Watercolor and Digital Illustration, 2020, Missy Elam Chavez.

Year of the Rat, Wishing You New Year Happiness. Watercolor and Digital Illustration, 2020, Missy Elam Chavez.

2020 is the Year of the Rat. The numbers 2 and 3 are considered lucky for the year. African Violets and Lilies are the lucky flowers and the lucky colors are gold, green and blue. I found it fascinating that superstition also dictates lucky (and unlucky) directions. For The Year of the Rat, the lucky directions are West, Northwest and Southwest.

While the Lunar New Year, or Chinese New Year doesn’t officially begin until January 25, the sentiment of wishing everyone happiness throughout 2020 is true all year long. No matter how you choose to celebrate the turning of the calendar, I hope that 2020 is prosperous and peaceful for you.
